Sign up to help inspire underrepresented groups into STEM careers

01 Sept 2022

You can sign up to be a guest speaker for Wellcome Connecting Science's My STEMM Future initiative. 

My STEMM Future supports students from underrepresented groups in STEMM and aims to inspire them into science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEMM).

As part of this programme, they hold monthly, online sessions with guest STEMM speakers, who talk about their field and career journey to date. They hope to showcase a diverse range of specialists and provide opportunities for students to ask questions and make connections with STEM professionals. We would love to have endocrinology represented too.

Keen to get involved? Here's what they will need from you:

  • an inspiring, interactive and accessible 35–40 minute talk suitable for GCSE and A-level students (ages 14+) followed by a Q&A

    The talk should provide an overview of the STEM field that you currently work in, an insight into your work (past and present) and information about your career journey including some highlights and if appropriate, any challenges.
  • presentation slides to illustrate what you are talking about, ideally with more images than text

  • a short biography and image to advertise your talk to the students and to introduce you on the day

  • recommended links or reading where students can find out more about your specialism after the event.

If you would like to sign up, or have any questions about the programme, please email Cindy Smidt in the Wellcome Connecting Science team.

Please identify yourself as a Society for Endocrinology Member, and let us know about your session, so we can share your outreach achievement.

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