Role of vaspin in obesity and atherosclerosis

02 Nov 2011

The current obesity epidemic is undoubtedly a major health concern. Vaspin, an insulin-sensitising adipokine, has been shown to improve glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity when administered to obese mice. Its effects in humans, however, are unclear. Choi and colleagues analysed plasma vaspin concentrations in 81 subjects with the metabolic syndrome and 241 age- and sex-matched controls, finding higher concentrations in women than men. They also found that men with the metabolic syndrome had significantly higher concentrations than men without, and in women vaspin concentrations were associated with coronary atherosclerosis, but not in men. Further studies are needed to investigate these sex differences. Choi et al. (2011) Clinical Endocrinology 75 628–635.

Read the full article at: DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2265.2011.04095.x.

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