Policy engagement workshop for early career researchers

28 Jun 2022

The next (Voice of Young Science (VoYS) Policy Engagement workshop is being held online from 9:30 to 13:00 on Friday 29 July 2022.

Early career researchers (ECRs) can join to find out how to contribute research findings to policy discussions in the UK and engage effectively with policymakers. ECRs can apply here for a free place by 17:00, Monday 04 July.

Participants will learn about what policy is and get a breakdown of the British policymaking landscape, understand the societal and personal benefits of getting involved, how evidence is used in policymaking and the routes to engage with policymakers and take away some tangible and practical policy engagement ideas. 


This workshop is FREE for STEM and social science early career researchers, trainees and medical professionals. 


Applications are closing soon, apply by 17:00, Monday 04 July.

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