New Funding for Clinical Endocrine Audit available from the Clinical Endocrinology Trust

10 May 2011

The Clinical Endocrinology Trust (CET), a charity which derives its income from a profit-share of the Society’s official clinical journal, Clinical Endocrinology) has long supported Endocrine Audit projects within the UK. Recent examples include the UK Acromegaly Database, the CaHASE audit of adults with CAH, and the multicentre study on cabergoline and cardiac valvulopathy. The CET-funded British Thyroid Association study of iodine status of teenage girls across the UK, funded with the BTA, was presented at the 2011 Society for Endocrinology BES conference in Birmingham receiving wide publicity through the BBC and other news media, and has just been published in The Lancet.

The Trustees now invite further Clinical Endocrine Audit applications from societies or Endocrine Centres. Preference will be given to projects involving multicentre collaborations. We are particularly interested in receiving applications related to areas of endocrinology that the Trust has not supported previously. Up to £40,000 is available during 2011-2012 for one or more projects judged by the Trustees to be worthy of support: their decision will be final.

Applications should be limited to three A4 sides and structured as follows: Background, Aims, Methods, Funding Justification and References and should be sent to Professor Julian Davis (CET Secretary) at [email protected]. The closing date for applications is 30 June 2011. The CET looks forward to hearing from you!

Clinical Endocrinology

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