New for 2014! ESE introduces Small Meeting Grants

25 Feb 2014

ESE is pleased to announce the introduction of the ESE Small Meeting Grants. These are available to support the organisation of an endocrine related meeting, such as a symposium, workshop, conference or training course, which has been endorsed by the Society (view our endorsement policy). Applications for the ESE Small Meeting Grant and ESE Endorsement can be made at the same time.

The objective is to further support the development of endocrine education in Europe, a priority strategic objective of ESE.

Applications can be submitted for non-ESE events, either a one-off meeting or for a meeting which has been held as a regular series of events or repeat events.  For repeat or a series of events then ESE will provide funding only once in a five-year period. There is a limited amount of funding available for the ESE Small Meeting Grants and the Treasurer’s decision is final. The maximum value of each grant is €2500.

Click here for further information and the application form – the next deadline for applications is 31 March.

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