MRC-funded 4-year PhD studentship in mammalian physiology and pharmacology

01 Mar 2010

The Centre for Integrative Mammalian Physiology and Pharmacology at Imperial College London are seeking to appoint a talented graduate to a PhD studentship in one of the following areas of biomedical science: Cardiovascular/Respiratory Science, Inflammation, Metabolism and Neuroscience.

This is a 1 + 3 year studentship, commencing in October 2010. Year 1 will be devoted to an MRes in Experimental Physiology and Drug Discovery and Years 2-4 to research leading to a PhD degree. The studentship includes home fees and an annual stipend of at least £16,500, eligibility for which is for UK and EU citizens only, subject to other MRC terms and conditions. The MRC considers it to be generally advantageous for postgraduate students to broaden their experience by undertaking their training in departments other than those in which they have undertaken their first degree.

The deadline for applications is 12 April 2010. Further information can be obtained by contacting Monique Dingli at [email protected], or by telephone at 020 7594 6546.

Job advert

ICL Centre for Integrative Mammalian Physiology & Pharmacology

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