Introduction to the News Media event - 18 November 2011

19 Oct 2011

The Science Media Centre would like to invite scientists and engineers to their Introduction to the News Media event on Friday 18 November 2011 at the Wellcome Collection in London from 2pm to 6pm with drinks afterwards.

This event is specifically geared towards scientists with little or no media experience. If you wish to attend, please send your name, job title, institutional e-mail address and phone number to [email protected] to reserve your place (please do not request a place unless you are absolutely sure you can attend this session).

The event is a beginner’s guide to the media, giving an insight into the way the news media works. Attendees will get a tour of some of the key issues, hearing from journalists, press officers and other scientists about: the deadlines that journalists work to; the role of the editor; how journalists find stories; top tips for dealing with the media; the role of the press officer; and the importance of engaging with the media.

The event will be divided up into two sessions with a tea break, and will finish off over a glass of wine and the opportunity to network informally. The event is completely free of charge. However, owing to the size of the lecture theatre, numbers will be limited so we are keen to give these limited places to those who will benefit most from this event.

Science Media Centre

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