Interactions between immune system and bone - Nijmegen, Netherlands

29 May 2015

A one year position is available at the Rheumatology Research Radboudumc Nijmegen investigating the interactions between the immune system and bone. The project is part of the PF7 consortium Osteoimmune in which seven groups which have contributed important concepts to the field of Rheumatology. The Osteoimmune programme is intended to involve trainees in cutting edge research designed to decipher key molecular, cellular and clinical mechanisms in the interplay between the bone and immune systems.

The aim of the project in Nijmegen is to analyze the role of Fcgamma receptors on osteoclasts in progression of bone destruction in rheumatoid arthritis. The position is open for international candidates which should have a masters of Science degree in biology or equivalent. In particular experience /interest in immunology and animal models will have preference.

Deadline: 1 April 2016

For further information please visit the Rheumatology Research Radboudumc Nijmegen website.

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