GPCR signalling and imaging, Pittsburgh, USA

13 Jun 2012

Via The laboratory for GPCR biology located at the Department of Pharmacology & Chemical Biology, and funded by the NIH is seeking a candidate for a post-doctoral fellowship position in an interdisciplinary research programme aimed at elucidating molecular and cellular mechanisms of signal transduction mediated by G-protein coupled receptors at the single-molecule level, FCS techniques will be used to study transmembrane signalling and receptor dynamics in the context of the parathyroid hormone receptor.

The candidate should have a solid experience with live microscopy or single molecule approaches; a PhD or MD/PhD in pharmacology/cell biology/chemical biology or biophysics; and have authored at least two articles published in international journals. Applications and CVs should be sent to J-P. Vilardaga ([email protected]) by 23 July 2012.

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