Evaluation of Ki-67 index in EUS-FNA specimens for the assessment of malignancy risk in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours (Endoscopy, 11 November 2013)

25 Nov 2013

The histological grade of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours is assessed formally by examining resected specimens. Pre-operative patients often undergo Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) with a Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA). There is little data correlating whether EUS-FNA grading of tumours is concordant with the final histology samples.

This study compared the EUS-FNA with the final resection specimen in 58 consecutive patients. The concordance rates were 74% using mean Ki-67 index and 78% using the highest Ki-67 index. The conclusion from the study was that maximum EUS-FNA Ki-67 index has a highest concordance with formal histological grade from the resected specimen.

Source: Endoscopy (published study)

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