The ESPE Research Unit (ESPE-RU) aims to foster, facilitate, identify topics and co-ordinate high quality research in the field of paediatric endocrinology. ESPE are delighted to announce that you are now able to apply for the ESPE-RU Collaborative Grant.
Grants are awarded for 1 year with the possibility to extend to 2 years. In order to apply for this grant please submit a preliminary application to Pr Irène Netchine at
[email protected] by
10 April 2014. The ESPE Research Unit Scientific Committee will review all of the Preliminary Applications and the applications that fulfil the aims of this initiative will be invited to submit a Complete Collaborative Research Grant Application by 15 May 2014. The collaborative research grant will be peer reviewed.
If you have any queries regarding the grant please contact Pr Irène Netchine
[email protected] or visit the
website for more details.