20 Jan 2010
In accordance with the ESE byelaws we would like to invite members to nominate candidates for the Executive Committee. There are 2 Executive Committee posts available in 2010 and each Voting Member may make one nomination for each Executive Committee vacancy. The Executive Committee may also make up to two nominations for each Executive Committee vacancy.
Please note that all nominations will be reviewed by the ESE Nominations Sub-committee who, taking into account the balance of the Executive Committee in terms of geographical location, subject speciality, basic or clinical focus and gender, will propose a final list of candidates to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will make the final decision on the list of selected candidates to be put forward to the members for election.
In addition to the Executive Committee nominations, and in accordance with the ESE byelaws, we would also like to invite members to nominate two Honorary Auditors to audit the 2010 accounts. The role of the auditors will be to review the annual accounts before they are presented at the Annual General Meeting for approval, and to submit their comments to the Annual General Meeting in 2011.
Further information, FORM A ‘Nomination for Ordinary Executive Committee Member’ and FORM B ‘Nomination for Honorary Auditor’ can be found here:
Nominations for the Executive Committee Member and the Honorary Auditors must be received no later than Friday 22 January 2010. If you have any questions please contact the ESE Secretariat at [email protected].