“Change for Good!” – introducing a new era for the Society for Endocrinology

11 Feb 2013

Twelve months ago we sat down with you, our Members, to assess the requirements and expectations of what we as a Society can do and how we represent our profession both in the UK and internationally. The result was a consensus that if we want to increase the level of support we currently provide for our Members, and continue to grow, a change is not only needed but essential.

We have now set about putting the changes that we have identified in place, in line with the agreed strategic plan. At a time when access to funding for research is becoming more limited, with all the possible implications this may have on long term public health, these changes help position the Society better to meet the challenges facing endocrinologists.

Over the next few weeks, we will be sending you lots of information about what the changes are and what they mean to you. If you have any further questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us – we welcome your feedback and will be more than happy to respond to individual enquiries from our Members.

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